Edible Flowers - Mix(Pkts)

Rs. 89

Flowers of Basil, Calendula, Caisim, Chamomile, Chives, Dianthus, Hyacinth Bean, Marigold, Mint, Nasturtium, Roquette, Snap Dragon, Viola and others - Depending on the season.

Delicate produce like this need the cold chain, with 2 to 4 centigrade with 90% humidity transport, otherwise they wilt in our heat.

Whether sprinkled on a salad, incorporated into a cocktail or ice cubes, or candied for a cake, these blooms promise to add an ambrosial touch to your seasonal entertaining.

Today, many restaurant chefs and innovative home cooks garnish their entrees with flower blossoms for a touch of elegance. The secret to success when using edible flowers is to keep the dish simple, do not add to many other flavors that will over power the delicate taste of the flower.

Basil flowers flavor is milder, but similar to the leaves of the same plant.

Calendula flower is known as the "poor man's saffron," the sunset-hued marigold flower really does taste like saffron when it's sauteed in olive oil to release its flavor. Uncooked, they have a more spicy peppery taste.

Caisim or Choy Sum flowers produce flavourful flowers which have a mild 'mustard-like' bite.

Chamomile edible flowers have a nice flavour that ranges from peppery to bitter, and they add bright yellow, gold, and orange colour to soups and salads. They may even tint some dishes like saffron does.

Chive blossoms have a delicate onion-garlic taste, just a whisper of the strong flavor found in the chives themselves, along with some earthy undertones. The mild flavor means they can be added to a dish and not overwhelm the other ingredients.

Dianthus bright red and pink petals have a mild clove flavour and are great for desserts or salads. Pull the sweet tasting petals away from the bitter white base of each flower.

Hyacinth Bean with showy purple or white pea-like flowers and are eaten either raw or steamed. it had a raw bean flavor and are an attractive and tasty addition to tossed salads.

Marigold of Tagetes flowers have a citrus taste, making them ideal for adding to salads, sandwiches, seafood dishes or hot desserts.

Mint edible flowers are minty-flavoured and sweet or lemon-scented, or even with chocolate overtones. It has a grassy, wintergreen undertone that works well in fruit salad.

Nasturtium flowers knock your socks off with their peppery taste, unlike most edible flowers which tend to have a subtle flavor.

Roquette or Arugula flowers are small, white with dark centers and can be used in the salad for a light piquant flavor. The flowers taste very similar to the leaves and range in color from white to yellowish with dark purple veins.

Snapdragons make it on the edible flower lists, but they are there mostly for their ornamental value. They taste bland depending upon how and where they are grown.

Note: Images are only for illustrative purposes, actual product and colour may slightly differ.

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